Often exposed to superficial or deep wounds requiring immediate Asaava and Tdmeda sooner , Vnstkhaddm the wound dressings
Adhesives, which can be found everywhere and in all first aid boxes , which is considered one of the
The most important requirements of nursing at the moment, so that the totality of what was produced them since invented until today
Reached more than 100 billion pieces , what is a invented Mptla the story ?
Solution to the problem of complex family
Back to the invention of these adhesive bandages to ( Earl Dixon ) , has been seeking through this simple invention
Solution to a behavioral problem afflicting his wife.
In 1917 he married the Earl of Josephine Frances Knight , has discovered that his wife does not have mastered the tools to deal with
The kitchen, but he is rarely out of the kitchen without cuts or scratches or bruises or injuries or burns , which was
Necessitating an immediate and urgent aid to them.
With a recurrence of such accidents and injuries that were not appropriate to the common use of large bandages
Use in a timely manner and that they cover a large area of a patient , it was necessary to find a radical solution
And immediate to this dilemma , Dixon have resorted to pasting small pieces of clean cloth and sterilized in the middle of the bar
Adhesive, so that these pieces remain ready for use immediately in case of any emergency.
Already succeeded idea and took his wife to address itself and telemedicine wounds after injury .
Johnson & Johnson invention adopts

After some time, Dixon said to his friends working in the company ( Johnson & Johnson ) devised this
And how he was able to solve the problem of his dear wife , Vhdjaoh to offer this idea to the company's management.
This invention was welcomed by the company 's management that were manufactured cotton , gauze , bandages and provides large
By hospitals and health centers , and in spite of their ease of use , but the demand was weak in
Beginning where the value of what was sold them in the first year only about $ 3000 , so the company resorted to
Production of varying sizes and began to distribute them for free on the scout teams in all parts of the United States
American and that was in 1924 , and in 1939 the company has developed its product became produces bandages
Completely sterile .
Received Earl Dixon appreciated his company, appointed vice - president until 1957 when it was referred to retire ,
And continued after a member of the Board of Trustees of the company until he died in 1961 after hitting his invention to
All corners of the earth
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