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Friday, August 9, 2013

Dr. O-Saher

Dr. O-Saher is called ‘The father of the Japanese engines’, he was sent to Germany to have the PhD, he used to study hard. Despite his German teachers presented the books to him, he said: “If I had followed the advice of my German teachers, I would have gained nothing.” German teachers instead of taking him to the laboratory or practical training center, they gave him a lot of books to read, but the engines for him still like a puzzle need to solve it whatever his strength was. One day he read about Italian-made engines exhibition, it was at the beginning of the month and he had his salary, he found there an engine with two horses its price equivalent his whole salary, he brought the salary and paid it, then he carried the engine to his home and it was so heavy, after that he placed it on the table and look at it like a crown of diamonds, the he said to himself: “It is the secret of the Europe power, if he was able to make an engine like that, I can change the history of Japan”. He begin to thought about this engine which is composed of different pieces and shapes, so if he could disassembles its component and integrate it again in the same way then he can made his first engine , and it will be his first step to the secret of European industry.


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