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Friday, August 30, 2013

Ahmad Shuqairi

Ahmad Shuqairi Saudi working in the media , was born in the city of Jeddah in 1973, and continued his studies until he received a Bachelor of systems management , and a Masters in Business Administration from the University of California, owns Ahmad Shuqairi trade of its own in the sale of household items , in addition to its advocacy and volunteerism.
Photo: ‎.............احمد الشقيرى.............
أحمد الشقيري هو إعلامي سعودي، ولد في مدينة جدة عام 1973م, واصل دراسته حتى حصل على بكالوريوس إدارة نظم، وماجستير في إدارة الأعمال من جامعة كاليفورنيا، يمتلك أحمد الشقيري تجارة خاصة به في بيع الأدوات المنزلية، هذا بالإضافة إلى أعماله الدعوية والتطوعية.

ما لا تعرفه عن الشقيرى 

ولد الشقيري لأسرة غنية ,أنتقل إلى الجامعة عندما كان عمره 17 سنة في (Long Beach ,Calif) وعلى حسابه الخاص, توقف الشقيري بشكل كامل عن أداء الصلاة ثم تزوج في عام 1995 م ومال في البدء نحو الإسلام المتشدد حيث أنكر بشكل غاضب الحرية في حياته التعليمية فعاد إلى السعودية ليحسن أعمال والده ولكن زوجته لم تشاركه بالرجوع عن الحياة المتطرفة وانتهى زواجه بالطلاق. ثم بدأ الدراسة مع طالب علم الشريعة عدنان الزهراني الذي طرح فكرته بأن قوة الإسلام العظيمة تأتي من تنوعه وانفتاحه لطرق التفكير الجديدة ولأول مرة وجد الشقيري طريقة لموازنة القوى المتحاربة في حياته، انتمائه الأميركي وانتمائه السعودي

المجال الدعوي
اشتهر أحمد الشقيري في السعودية والوطن العربي بعد سلسلة خواطر التي حققت نجاحاً كبيراً بسبب بساطة أسلوبها ومعالجتها لقضايا الشباب والأمة والتي كانت دائما تبدأ بمقولته : لست عالما ولا مفتيا و لا فقيها و إنما طالب علم ، وأصدر كتاب للجزء الأول بعنوان خواطر شاب, كذلك قدم الشقيري برنامج يلا شباب وبرنامج جديد باسم "لو كان بيننا",وكذلك أصدر قرص دي في دي لبرنامجه (لوكان بيننا)., كما أقام الشقيري عدة حملات منها تنظيف حمامات المساجد وكتاب خواطر شاب وأمتنا واحدة هلالنا واحد وفينا خير ورحلة كتاب.ويمكن الحصول على تلك الإصدارت وغيرها من موقعه [ثقافة] .

فاز بالمركز الأول كأقوى شخصية مؤثرة في الوطن العربي من الشباب في الاستفتاء الذي قامت به مجلة شباب 20 الإماراتية، كما تم ترشيحه للمرة الثانية للعام التالي وقد خاض منافسة قوية مع الشيخ مشاري راشد العفاسي . وهو من الشباب الاكثر جاذبية بالنسبة للشباب في طريقة القائه للكلام.

النشاط الإجتماعى والثقافى

أنشأ أول مقهى ثقافى في مدينة جدة -وأطلق عليه اسم أندلسية- حيث تعقد فيه الندوات وتوجد به مكتبة مزودة بكتب في شتى فروع المعرفه.
برنامج خواطر باجزائه 1 و2 و3 و4 و5الجزء الذي صور أكثره في اليابان وحاليا يعرض الجزء السادس منه من 9دول مختلفة.
برنامج لو كان بيننا.وهو برنامج يهدف الى اتباع منهج الرسول الكريم في‎
What You Do not Know About Shuqairi

Born Shuqairi to a wealthy family , turn to the university when he was 17 years old at the (Long Beach, Calif) and on his own account , he stopped Shuqairi fully on the performance of prayer and then married in 1995, and money to start towards radical Islam , where he denied angrily freedom in his life educational returned to Saudi Arabia to improve the work of his father , but his wife did not share it with reference extreme life and his marriage ended in divorce . Then he started to study with students aware of the law Adnan Al-Zahrani , who put forward the idea that the great power of Islam comes from its diversity and its openness to new ways of thinking for the first time Shukairy found a way to balance the warring forces in his life, the American affiliation and membership of Saudi Arabia

Domain lawsuit
Famously Ahmad Shuqairi in Saudi Arabia and the Arab world after a series of thoughts that have achieved great success because of the simplicity of style and addressed the issues of young people and the nation which has always begins بمقولته : I am not a scientist nor a mufti and no scholar , but rather a seeker of knowledge , and issued a book for the first part , entitled Thoughts of a young man, also provided Shuqairi program at night youth and a new program called " if we had ," and also issued a DVD disc for his ( Lucan between us). , as established Shuqairi several campaigns , including cleaning bathrooms mosques and Book thoughts young man and our nation one Hilalna one and us better and trip book. could get those Alasaddart and others from his culture .

Won first place as the strongest influential figure in the Arab world of young people in a referendum conducted by Emirati youth magazine 20 , has also been nominated for the second time for the following year has fought tough competition with Sheikh Mishari Rashid Afasy. A youth of the most attractive for young people in the way of delivering to talk.

Social and cultural activity

Established the first cultural cafe in the city of Jeddah - dubbed Andalusia - where the seminars are held and there is a library with books in various branches of knowledge.
Thoughts program parts 1 , 2, 3 , 4 and 5 , part of which was filmed most of it in Japan and is currently the sixth part of it displays from 9 different countries .
Program if it was us . , A program designed to approach the Holy Prophet in

Earl Dixon

Often exposed to superficial or deep wounds requiring immediate Asaava and Tdmeda sooner , Vnstkhaddm the wound dressings

Adhesives, which can be found everywhere and in all first aid boxes , which is considered one of the

The most important requirements of nursing at the moment, so that the totality of what was produced them since invented until today

Reached more than 100 billion pieces , what is a invented Mptla the story ?

Solution to the problem of complex family

Back to the invention of these adhesive bandages to ( Earl Dixon ) , has been seeking through this simple invention

Solution to a behavioral problem afflicting his wife.

In 1917 he married the Earl of Josephine Frances Knight , has discovered that his wife does not have mastered the tools to deal with

The kitchen, but he is rarely out of the kitchen without cuts or scratches or bruises or injuries or burns , which was

Necessitating an immediate and urgent aid to them.

With a recurrence of such accidents and injuries that were not appropriate to the common use of large bandages

Use in a timely manner and that they cover a large area of a patient , it was necessary to find a radical solution

And immediate to this dilemma , Dixon have resorted to pasting small pieces of clean cloth and sterilized in the middle of the bar

Adhesive, so that these pieces remain ready for use immediately in case of any emergency.

Already succeeded idea and took his wife to address itself and telemedicine wounds after injury .

Johnson & Johnson invention adopts
Photo: ‎....قصة مخترع ضمادات الجروح اللاصقة -  إيرل ديكسون ....
كثيرا ما نتعرض لجروح سطحية أو عميقة تستلزم إسعافا فوريا وتضميدا عاجلا ، فنستخدم ضمادات الجروح

اللاصقة والتي يمكن العثور عليها في كل مكان وفي كافة صناديق الإسعافات الأولية ، والتي تعتبر من احد

أهم مستلزمات التمريض في الوقت الراهن ، حتى أن مجمل ما تم إنتاجه منها منذ اختراعها ولغاية اليوم

بلغ أكثر من100مليار قطعة ، فما هي قصة اختراعها ومن مبتكرها ؟

حل لمشكلة عائلية معقدة

يعود اختراع هذه الضمادات اللاصقة إلى ( إيرل ديكسون )، وقد كان يسعى من خلال هذا الاختراع البسيط

إلى حل مشكلة سلوكية تعاني منها زوجته .

ففي عام 1917 تزوج إيرل من جوزفين فرانسيس نايت ، وقد اكتشف أن زوجته لا تتقن التعامل مع أدوات

المطبخ ، بل انه قلما تخرج من مطبخها دون جروح أو خدوش أو إصابات أو كدمات أو حروق ، مما كان

يستلزم إجراء إسعاف فوري وعاجل لها .

مع تكرار حدوث مثل تلك الإصابات والحوادث والتي لم يكن من المناسب استخدام الضمادات الكبيرة الشائعة

الاستخدام في حينه والتي كانت تغطي مساحة كبيرة من العضو المصاب ، كان لا بد من إيجاد حل جذري

وفوري لتلك المعضلة ، فعمد ديكسون إلى لصق قطعا صغيرة من القماش النظيف والمعقم في منتصف شريط

لاصق ، بحيث تبقى هذه القطع جاهزة للاستعمال فورا عند حدوث أي طارئ .

بالفعل نجحت الفكرة وأخذت زوجته بمعالجة نفسها وتطبيب جراحها بعد كل إصابة .

شركة جونسون آند جونسون تتبنى الاختراع

بعد مضي بعض الوقت ، ذكر ديكسون لأصدقائه في العمل في شركة ( جونسون آند جونسون ) ابتكاره هذا

وكيف انه تمكن من حل مشكلة زوجته الغالية ، فشجعوه على عرض هذه الفكرة على إدارة الشركة .

تم الترحيب بهذا الاختراع من قبل إدارة الشركة والتي كانت تصنع القطن والشاش والضمادات الكبيرة وتزود

بها المستشفيات والمراكز الصحة ، وبالرغم من سهولة استخدامها إلا أن الإقبال عليها كان ضعيفا في

البداية حيث بلغ قيمة ما تم بيعه منها في السنة الأولى حوالي 3000 دولار فقط ، لذلك لجأت الشركة إلى

إنتاج أحجام متفاوتة منها وبدأت بتوزيعها مجانا على الفرق الكشفية في كافة أنحاء الولايات المتحدة

الأمريكية وكان ذلك في عام 1924 ، وفي عام 1939 طورت الشركة منتجها وأصبحت تنتج الضمادات

المعقمة بالكامل .
حظي إيرل ديكسون بتقدير شركته ، فعين نائبا للرئيس حتى عام 1957 عندما تمت إحالته على التقاعد ،

واستمر بعدها عضوا في مجلس أمناء هذه الشركة حتى توفي في عام 1961 بعد أن وصل اختراعه إلى

كافة أصقاع الأرض‎
After some time, Dixon said to his friends working in the company ( Johnson & Johnson ) devised this

And how he was able to solve the problem of his dear wife , Vhdjaoh to offer this idea to the company's management.

This invention was welcomed by the company 's management that were manufactured cotton , gauze , bandages and provides large

By hospitals and health centers , and in spite of their ease of use , but the demand was weak in

Beginning where the value of what was sold them in the first year only about $ 3000 , so the company resorted to

Production of varying sizes and began to distribute them for free on the scout teams in all parts of the United States

American and that was in 1924 , and in 1939 the company has developed its product became produces bandages

Completely sterile .
Received Earl Dixon appreciated his company, appointed vice - president until 1957 when it was referred to retire ,

And continued after a member of the Board of Trustees of the company until he died in 1961 after hitting his invention to

All corners of the earth

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Inventor of the Cell Phone

About Martin Cooper

A pioneer in the wireless communications industry, Martin (“Marty”) Cooper conceived the first portable cellular phone in 1973 and led the 10-year process of bringing it to market.During 29 years with Motorola, 

Marty built and managed both its paging and cellular businesses and served as Corporate Director of Research and Development. Products he introduced have had cumulative sales volume of more than $80 billion.

                                            this video copyrights goes for    B   C   
Upon leaving Motorola, Marty co-founded Cellular Business Systems, Inc. (CBSI), and helped lead it to dominate the cellular billing industry with a 75 percent market share before it was sold to Cincinnati Bell. He has been granted eight patents in the communications field and has been widely published.
In 1992 Marty founded ArrayComm. Under his leadership, the company grew from a seed-funded startup in San Jose, California, into the world leader in smart antenna technology with 400 patents issued or pending worldwide.
Marty received the American Computer Museum’s George R. Stibitz Computer and Communications Pioneer Award in 2002, and he was an inaugural member of RCR’s Wireless Hall of Fame. Red Herring magazine named him one of the Top 10 Entrepreneurs of 2000, and Wireless Systems Design gave him the 2002 Industry Leader award. He holds a BS and an MS in electrical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology.
Marty is also the originator of Cooper’s Law, which predicts the improvement over time of spectrum capacity in cellular networks.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Dr. O-Saher

Dr. O-Saher is called ‘The father of the Japanese engines’, he was sent to Germany to have the PhD, he used to study hard. Despite his German teachers presented the books to him, he said: “If I had followed the advice of my German teachers, I would have gained nothing.” German teachers instead of taking him to the laboratory or practical training center, they gave him a lot of books to read, but the engines for him still like a puzzle need to solve it whatever his strength was. One day he read about Italian-made engines exhibition, it was at the beginning of the month and he had his salary, he found there an engine with two horses its price equivalent his whole salary, he brought the salary and paid it, then he carried the engine to his home and it was so heavy, after that he placed it on the table and look at it like a crown of diamonds, the he said to himself: “It is the secret of the Europe power, if he was able to make an engine like that, I can change the history of Japan”. He begin to thought about this engine which is composed of different pieces and shapes, so if he could disassembles its component and integrate it again in the same way then he can made his first engine , and it will be his first step to the secret of European industry.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

success stories: Chris GardnerThe Pursuit Chris Gardner's story...

Chris Gardner

Chris Gardner

The Pursuit Chris Gardner's story is familiar to many people from the book and moviehe went from living on the streets with his young son to a position at —of Happynessa San Francisco brokerage to eventually starting and leading a multimillion dollar brokerage. Jean talks with Chris about the perseverance that led him to the top and his advice for those just starting out. Chris says that his success has been about making choices, and one of his first her. "Even though she had too choices was to embrace the spirit he saw in his 


Christopher Gardner: Hey. Don't ever let somebody tell you... You can't do something. Not even me. All right?
Christopher: All right.
Christopher Gardner: You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Period.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates...Story of success in brief 

who is he

Entrepreneur Bill Gates, born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington
, began to show an interest in computer programming at the age of 13. Through technological innovation, keen business strategy, and aggressive competitive tactics, he and his partner Paul Allen built the world's largest software business, Microsoft. In the process, Bill Gates became one of the richest men in the world. 

his story

Bill believed in achieving his goals through hard work. He also believes that if you are intelligent and know how to use your intelligence, you can reach your goals and targets. From his early days Bill was ambitious, competitive and intelligent. These qualities helped him to attain great position in the profession he chose also Bill was deemed by his peers and his teachers as the smartest kid on campus; Bill’s parents came to know their son’s intelligence and decided to enroll him in a private school, known for its intense academic environment. That was the most important decision in Bill Gate’s life where he was first introduced to computers. Bill Gates and his friends were very much interested in computer and formed “Programmers Group” in late 1968. Being in this group, they found a new
way to apply their computer skill in university of Washington. In the next year, they got their first opportunity in Information Sciences Inc. in which they were selected as programmers. ISI (Information Sciences Inc.) agreed to give them royalties, whenever it made money from any of the group’s program. As a result of the business deal signed with Information Sciences Inc., the group also became a legal business.
Bill Gates and his close friend Allen formed a new company of their own, Traf-O-Data. They developed a small computer to measure traffic flow. From this project they earned around $20,000. The era of Traf-O-Data came to an end when Gates left the college. Upon graduating from Lakeside Bill enrolled in Harvard University in 1973, one of the best universities in the country, He didn’t know what to do, so he enrolled his name for pre-law. He took the standard freshman courses with the exception of signing up for one of Harvard’s toughest mathematics courses. He did well over there, but he couldn’t find it interesting too. He spent many long nights in front of the school’s computer and the next day asleep in class. After leaving school, he almost lost himself from the world of computers. Gates and his friend Paul Allen remained in close contact even though they were away from school. They would often discuss new ideas for future projects and the possibility of starting a business one fine day. At the end of Bill’s first year, Allen came close to him so that they could follow some of their ideas. That summer they got job in Honeywell. Allen kept on pushing Bill for opening a new software company.
Within a year, Bill Gates dropped out from Harvard. Then he formed Microsoft. Microsoft’s vision is “A computer on every desk and Microsoft software on every computer”. Bill is a visionary person and works very hard to achieve his vision. His belief in high intelligence and hard work has put him where he is today. He does not believe in mere luck or God’s grace, but just hard work and competitiveness. Bill’s Microsoft is good competition for other software companies and he will continue to stomp out (challenge) the competition until he dies. He likes to play the game of
Risk and the game of world domination. His beliefs are so powerful, which have helped him increase his wealth and his monopoly in the industry.
You might think that Bill Gates is the richest person in the world. The reason is that he has given out some of his money to charity and people with diseases (such as AIDS) around the world. First, Melinda and Bill tried to find what could have been the biggest impact and they thought of the health issue. Bill Gates and Melinda Gates formed a charity company called Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 1994. This organization helps to cure diseases like AIDS and malaria. This focuses most its efforts on long-term global. According to the Washington Post, Bill Gates is the most giving person in the world. I think that other rich people should donate their money to charity more.


Saturday, August 3, 2013

story of success About Mr: Wael Fakhrany

Wael Fakharany

Regional Manager at Google Middle East
Information Technology and Services

Wael say that before he got the job in Google he work for 25 years he was working when he was 18 .he talks about his live in Ted-ex  CAIRO

 and said "in my live their are two zones  one of them its comfortable  warm i work in good company that pay me a good salary  i travel  2 or 3 times per year . and the other one cold in it their  are problems , wars but also   experience  and it's
cool and  i am loving it,,

In a visit  to his father's friend Spinning and Textile Factory   wael 

found   alot of  shirts thrown on the floor  asking  uncle Ahmed 
what is that ?he said this shirts has manufacturing defects  wael ask 

and what you will do with them ? 

Ahmed say noting they are a junk to me.

wael hold the shirt and see nothing wrong in that shirt  this shirt is 

absolutely good . then he  ask uncle Ahmed  if he can take  them  ? .

he replayed  OK  .

chapter 2  ::: the shirt

wael  go to   (A'm ِ Araby - عم عربى)  A'm araby  is a Iron man(مكوجى) 

iron clothes  weal  say to him iron this clothis i will give Three times what it deserves  BUT after selling this shirts in 2 years their was more than thousandths  of  wael's shirts  in (al attba, khan el khalely -mosky) and  he make a lot of money .one time his father open his room door and ask him is that money halal .his  college  was upset they say that engineering student  must not do that kind if work .

to be continued 

diaa atya

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